Landscape Architecture - Envisioning a Future for All of Us
We got ourselves into this mess - we can get ourselves out of it.
I truly believe that we have all the tools. We know many, many different solutions to a wide variety of ecological issues in the factual sense. By this I mean, we have the data, the science, the engineering, etc. But we still are paralyzed by inaction. Young climate activist Greta Thunberg told Democracy Now! in December of 2018: "Why should I be studying for a future that soon may be no more, when no one is doing anything to save that future? And what is the point of learning facts when the most important facts clearly means nothing to our society?"
We know there is a problem and that this problem (climate change and other issues that have arisen during the Anthropocene) poses an incredible threat to the human species (not to even mention the other species who resides on this common planetary home), then why do we not devote all of our time and energy and money and effort towards mitigation and addressing these issues? It is difficult to not sound hopeless, but the reality is that we lack the will to change. Society as we know it (especially here in the US) is beholden to money and power. And climate change poses a huge threat to the global economy and the existing power dynamics, whether those in power want to believe it or not.
Why should I be studying for a future
that soon may be no more,
when no one is doing anything
to save that future?
And what is the point of learning facts
when the most important facts clearly
means nothing to our society?
- Greta Thunberg
Greta Thunberg on "The disarming case to act right now on climate change."
Landscape architecture is one of many professions/disciplines that sits in a particularly unique position amidst the chaos of politics that seem to budge even less the more and more climate change charges ahead of even the most generous projections. Landscape architecture blends social sciences, history, economics, art and design, ecology and earth science, geography and computer science. Nothing is off the table, and because of that, there are an infinite number of possible partnerships and unique solutions. Where certain engineering solutions have failed in the past because only engineers were involved, landscape architecture can build the bridges - literally - between “equation-based, top-down systems modeling” and bottom-up, site-specific solutions that are authentic and lasting (Windhager, et al., 2010).
One example: where widely established stormwater infrastructure, for example, see water as a “waste product”, something to be removed from the built environment as quickly as possible, ecologists and environmental ethicists can partner with landscape architects to find solutions that instead treat water as the valuable, limited resource that it is.
The myriad of relationships that landscape architects can foster with philosophers, elementary school teachers, marine biologists, photographers, poets, faith leaders, lawyers - anyone willing to be involved in positive change! - can produce new knowledge. New and creative collaborations and relationships have the potential to guide and shape our future; we have a moral imperative to break out of our silos and work together. We have more in common then we think! And we need to capitalize on those commonalities to envision and create a sustainable future.
Reduce Fragmentation through Connections --->>>
Increase Possibilities for Positive Change!
Windhager, Steiner, Simmons, and Heymann. "Toward Ecosystem Services as a Basis for Design". Landscape Journal. 29:2–10. 2010.